Rural Community Impact Tool

This tool is designed to help understand the economic benefits of reusing vacant or idle farmsteads. It provides an analysis of potential return on investment from developing these properties, making it useful for community planners, investors, and policymakers.

One key feature is its ability to calculate the economic value of new residents moving to the community. It considers factors like increased local spending and potential job creation, which are important for communities looking to grow and sustain their economies.

The tool also includes an interactive map that shows monthly and annual costs by county in North Dakota. This helps users see economic conditions across different areas, making it easier to plan and make decisions based on accurate information.

Overall, this tool provides essential data for maximizing the economic impact of farmstead reuse and supports strategic decision-making for community development.

Economic Impact

Access Community Resources/Needs

Business Development

Learn the Value of a New Resident

Select a Calculator or the Interactive Map