Grant Reference Book
Grant Reference Book
Grantwriting is in many ways simpler today than it was when I started, more than 30 years ago. Nearly every application is online today. The downside is that you are limited to either a specific number of characters or a specific number of words for each question response. Eliminate those extraneous words, and write concisely. This is easier if you are prepared with your project plan.
I like to think the questions are more focused today because of the limitations. Additionally, there is almost always assistance or contact for questions, and in some cases, a Frequently Asked Questions link.
This book begins with a very basic overview for developing a Project Plan – the key to developing any grant proposal/application. Strengthen ND offers other grant-writing resources on its website.
This reference book is intended to be easy to use and easy to access. You can access it on the Strengthen ND website, download it to your computer for ongoing use, or print the document out.