President’s Leadership Course

As a board member of a nonprofit organization, you have a governance responsibility to help the organization run effectively and efficiently. One way to do this is to ensure that you have adequate training in leadership so that you can work effectively with the executive director. If your nonprofit does not provide you with this type of training, this presentation will provide you with tools and tips to help you understand your governance responsibilities and how to work effectively with the executive director.

This information should be particularly helpful if you are a working board and planning to hire an executive director. By understanding your responsibilities and how to work effectively with the executive director, you can help your nonprofit organization thrive.

best practices for nonprofits

Board Chair Basics

  • You are elected by the board or voting body of the nonprofit to provide leadership for governance.  Your authority is derived from corporate law, articles of incorporation and your bylaws.
  • Preside at all meetings of the board and Executive Committee.
  • Act as liaison between the Board and the Executive Director.  
  • Ensure that the Board’s directives and resolutions are carried out.
  • Receive a current Board Orientation Binder and go over it with the Executive Director to become familiar with all contents.  It should be updated every year at the annual meeting, in partnership with the ED.
  • You are responsible to provide one on one orientation to onboard individuals appointed  by the board to fulfill unexpired terms.  Carrying out this responsibility is an opportunity to build a working relationship with the new volunteer.