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Learn more about the initiative behind the scenes of the grant-making process and the most recent grant award winners.

Carrington Rainbow Gardens (Carrington, ND)
- $300,000 to re-establish a historic Japanese garden, associated cultural programming, and landmarks.
- Project: Developing and testing strategies and spaces where past instances of systemic racism can be acknowledged and discussed in a way that is non-polarizing in a rural, primarily white, community.
- Developing and testing community engagement processes to celebrate diversity and build economic opportunity.
Communities Acting Together for Change & Hope (CATCH; Anamoose, ND):
- $300,000 to develop a program of advocacy and facilitation to pilot communities to demonstrate rural places can grow their communities by recruiting newcomers to live and work there.
- Project: Developing and testing strategies to discuss immigration, highlight shared immigration experiences, and create welcoming communities. Developing and testing strategies to counter often incorrect stereotypes involving New Americans.
- Developing and testing strategies to change the narrative of North Dakota with regard to immigration.
Forest River Hutterite Colony (Near Fordville, ND):
- $33,125 to develop a pictorial database of Hutterite ancestry and appropriately copy sacred texts
- Project: Developing strategies for the creation of a recognized, widely available history curriculum for the Hutterite colonies of the Midwest.
- Developing strategies for the dissemination of historical texts to Hutterite colonies in the Midwest, making sacred texts available to all.
Kirat Cultural Society (Fargo, ND):
- $151,370 to perform and conduct cultural programs to promote social harmony, peace, and healthy relationships among all communities in the Fargo-Moorhead area.
- Project: Developing and testing integration strategies for New Americans from Nepal to maintain their cultural identity, share with non-Nepalese Americans, and create cultural understanding and acceptance.
Long X Arts Foundation (Watford City, ND):
- $300,000 to establish, research, connect, and execute the “Cultural Connections” as an incubator for community building and the creative sector.
- Project: Developing and testing a cross cultural arts and creativity incubator to build community amongst long-term McKenzie County residents, new residents, and immigrants.
Nyeri Ma’di Cultural Dance Group (Grand Forks, ND):
- $85,968 to teach financial literacy through cultural dance and programming.
- Project: Developing and testing strategies to teach financial literacy in a meaningful way, through storytelling and cultural dance, to New Americans.
North Dakota Full-Service Community Schools Consortium (Minot, ND):
- $300,000 to strengthen and scale the full-service community schools model across rural North Dakota.
- Project: Scaling and deepening the impact of full service community schools in rural and urban communities across the state.
South East Education Cooperative and Child Care Aware of North Dakota (Fargo, ND):
- $220,000 to create a shared services model for child care providers and programs in North Dakota.
- Project: Developing and testing a shared services model/consortium for child care providers and programs in rural North Dakota.
Standing Rock Community Development Corporation (Fort Yates, ND):
- $284,976 to document elder stories, recipes, and audio of the Lakota and Dakota Languages, which will then be written into a cookbook for language education.
- Project: Developing and testing the integration of cultural language, education, and cultural foods as a strategy to increase community health.
Upper Missouri Ministries (Epping, ND):
- $300,000 to leverage hydroponic technology with the Camp Umm community to provide fresh food for northwest
- North Dakota and test a diversified financial model.
- Project: Developing and testing a social enterprise and emerging agricultural learning opportunity within northwest North Dakota.
Ka Joog
- Spreading a culturally attuned 4-H program into the Fargo area for New American families. Testing whether the model may work across the state with Native American populations.
Community of Sheyenne
- Testing a community-owned financing tool within a rural community to catalyze community agency.
South Sudanese Foundation
- Developing and testing narrative change strategies to support New American women to enter the workforce and remain in the workforce. Testing wraparound support tools to support New American women to enter the workforce and remain in the workforce.
The Journal
- Spreading a youth literacy strategy and supplemental tool across North Dakota to increase literacy rates among youth, which may lead to greater long-term community news literacy and greater support for Democracy.
Rolla JDA (Rolla, ND)
- $100,000 to test a community revolving fund to support short-term and long-term economic and community development through property renovations.
Native Max (Greater ND)
- $40,000 to spread Creatives Indigenous, a six-week start-up program for Native entrepreneurs, into North Dakota.
Bismarck Global Neighbors (Bismarck & Mandan, ND)
- $30,000 to develop the foundation of an immigrant-led and immigrant-cultivated leadership incubator to support more New Americans to engage in leadership and to advocate for themselves.
The Arts Center (Jamestown, ND)
- $26,400 to develop and test strategies that utilize the arts as a catalyst for behavioral change in youth.
Youthworks (Fargo & Bismarck, ND)
- $18,900 to develop a Youth Participatory Action Model to increase youth leadership and engagement for LGBTQ+ populations

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