Bush Prize Webinar
Passcode: PdpS.4yF
Bush Prize: North Dakota
In partnership with Strengthen ND and the Bush Foundation.
The Bush Prize celebrates organizations with a track record of successful community problem-solving. Bush Prize winners are extraordinary not only in what they do but in how they do it. They work inclusively, in partnership with others, to make our region better for everyone.
Winners receive a package of recognition, including a flexible award of 25 percent of the organization’s last fiscal year budget, up to $500,000.
Each year the Bush Prize is awarded in each of the three states we serve: Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota, including the 23 Native nations that share the same geography.
- Bush Prize awards must be used for a charitable purpose.
- Organizations that are 501(c)(3) public charities or government entities (including schools) are eligible for the Bush Prize.
- Strengthen ND will accept Bush Prize applications from fiscal sponsors. The fiscal sponsor organization must submit the award application and, if the award is approved, becomes the awardee and receives the funds.
Prize winners must be located in North Dakota or one of the 5 Native nations that share the same geography. The specific community innovations highlighted in the Bush Prize application must also have occurred within that geography.
Does the organization have a pattern of innovative solutions?
- Are these breakthroughs in addressing community needs more effective, equitable or sustainable than existing approaches?
- Did these innovative solutions make a significant difference?
- Could the organization inspire or inform others?
Does the organization have a pattern of using inclusive, collaborative, and resourceful processes?
- Inclusive: meaningfully engaging key stakeholders, thoughtfully identifying those needed to create the intended change, and, whenever possible, including those directly affected by the problem.
- Collaborative: a true joint effort, with partners willing to share ownership and decision-making as they pursue an innovation together.
- Resourceful: using existing resources and assets creatively to make the most of what a community already has.
Does the organizational leadership foster a culture of innovation?
- Is the organization stable and strong in terms of governance and finance?
Please Note: Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to attend or view the live information session regarding the Bush Prize, which will be offered on March 8, 2023. Due to the nature of the Bush Prize as a competitive award, individual technical assistance and brainstorming regarding an applicant’s proposal content will not be held; however, any direct assistance with explaining criteria, application input systems, or timeline will be welcomed.
Over time we seek a portfolio of Bush Prize winners that represents the full diversity of North Dakota, and includes a variety of:
- Applicant organization sizes
- Communities served (both in terms of size and demographics)
- Types of issues addressed
March 27th, 2024 – Bush Prize & Creative Community Solutions Question & Answer Webinar
April 1st, 2024 – Bush Prize Applications Open Apply Here!
May 31st, 2024 – Bush Prize Applications Close
June 1st to July 31st, 2024 – Internal Due Diligence
August 1st to August 31st, 2024 – Internal Selection – Confidential Notification
September 1st to October 15th, 2024 – Prize Winner Promotional Collateral Development
October 15th, 2024: Prize Winners Announced
The Bush Prize celebrates organizations that are highly valued within their communities and have a track record of successful community problem-solving.
Bush Prize grants are flexible and can be used to build up reserves or test that next big idea or whatever else would best support the organization’s ongoing good work. The grant amounts are up to 25% of an organization’s most recent fiscal year expenses, with a maximum of $500,000.
The Bush Prize is done in partnership between the Bush Foundation and Strengthen ND. Strengthen ND will select and announce the Bush Prize winners, as well as provide any support along the way.
The Bush Prize recognizes organizations that have a culture of innovation and a history of creating innovative solutions to challenges in their communities.
Beginning in 2023, the Bush Foundation Prize competition has been divided among the three states and Native Nations sharing their geography supported by the Bush Foundation, with separate localized organizations managing the competition for their state and 23 Native Nations.
Strengthen ND is managing the Bush Prize process for North Dakota, and you will find the focus and purpose remain the same, with very similar guidelines to the application. Please carefully review the guidelines below and/or watch our webinar on March 8th, 2023 at 12:00 pm CST.
Please Note: Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to attend or view the live information session regarding the Bush Prize, which will be offered on March 8, 2023. Due to the nature of the Bush Prize as a competitive award, individual technical assistance and brainstorming regarding an applicant’s proposal content will not be held. Any direct assistance with explaining criteria, application input systems, or timeline can be directed to megan@strengthennd.com.