Rural Capacity Building
Through the support of AmeriCorps, Strengthen ND assists North Dakota communities to access the people-power they need to undertake community projects by providing individuals to build their community’s capacity. Community Capacity Americorps Coordinator positions will allow local organizations, city, and county governments, and other non-profit organizations to plan, develop, and coordinate programs within their regions for the betterment of their communities.
AmeriCorps members’ duties may include communications/community outreach, planning programming for organizations and other community partners, assisting in information gathering for grant writing, attending planning meetings related to capacity building of the organization/community, and recruiting community volunteers.
Are you looking to make a difference in your community? Look no further than AmeriCorps!
Beth Odahlen is the coordinator of Strengthen ND’s AmeriCorps program. With her background in leadership development, internship and experiential education, student support services, and grant management, Beth brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. But what truly sets her apart is her passion for creating successful programs that have a tangible impact on community success.
If you want to get involved with AmeriCorps in North Dakota, Beth is the person to talk to!
Beth Odahlen

What's at your core?
How to Become a Strengthen ND AmeriCorps Host Site
Non-profit organizations and local government entities can request to be a Strengthen ND AmeriCorps Host Site. Host Sites can request “slots”. These slots are positions for AmeriCorps members to serve in a rural capacity-building aspect of your organization. Strengthen ND staff will work with you to help identify individuals who may be interested in serving your organization as an AmeriCorps member.
The Strengthen ND AmeriCorps Program has several options for AmeriCorps Member Slots.
Have other questions?
To discuss becoming a Strengthen ND AmeriCorps Host Site or if you have questions, please contact Beth Odahlen using the form below.
we are an
Americorps Host Site
Current Strengthen ND AmeriCorps Host Sites for 2023-2024
- The Arts Center
- Baaken Oilrush Ministries
- BIO Girls
- Bismarck Global Neighbors
- Cass Clay Integration Center
- Cultural Diversity Resources
- City of Wing
- Civic West West Fargo
- Empire Arts
- Empire Volleyball Club
- Full STEAM Minot
- Grace and Gratitude Farms
- Grand River Arts Council
- Immigration Development Center
- Lake Region Public Library
- Minot Symphony Orchestra
- MSU Reading Clinic
- New Roots
- P’ and Q’s Etiquette
- Shepard’s Hill at the Crossroads
- Washburn Life
- Win-Liberia
- Grace and Gratitude Farms
- Northern Pines Stables
Become a Member
How to Apply to become a Strengthen ND AmeriCorps Member
- All Strengthen ND AmeriCorps member positions are half-time or below. If accepted, members can work and/or go to school while serving as Strengthen ND AmeriCorps members.
- AmeriCorps Members must be able to work legally in the United States, be 18 years of age or older, and pass background checks in order to serve.
- If you are interested in any of the unfilled positions or would just like to get on our list of potential members, please apply in the MY AmeriCorps portal. Instructions on how to apply can be found HERE.
- For more information regarding applying to serve as a Strengthen ND AmeriCorps Program Member, please contact Beth Odahlen:

What’s Happening

AmeriCorps is a federally-funded national service program modeled after the Peace Corps. AmeriCorps allows U.S. citizens to serve their country at home, meet a critical community need, gain professional experience, and earn an education award to pay for school (or pay back loans). There are several different AmeriCorps programs. AmeriCorps State members provide direct services to nonprofit organizations, governmental entities, and unincorporated rural community efforts. AmeriCorps positions are temporary service positions, not permanent employment.

Nonprofit organizations and local government entities can request to serve as a Strengthen ND AmeriCorps Host Site. Host Sites can request “slots”. These slots are positions for AmeriCorps members to serve in a rural capacity building aspect for your organization. Strengthen ND staff will work with you to help identify individuals who may be interested in serving your organization as an AmeriCorps member.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is AmeriCorps?
AmeriCorps is a federally-funded national service program modeled after the Peace Corps. AmeriCorps allows U.S. citizens to serve their country at home, meet a critical community need, gain professional experience, and earn an education award to pay for school (or pay back loans). There are several different AmeriCorps programs. AmeriCorps State members provide direct services to nonprofit organizations, governmental entities, and unincorporated rural community efforts. AmeriCorps positions are temporary service positions, not permanent employment.
How does AmeriCorps fit in with Strengthen ND?
Strengthen ND is an AmeriCorps North Dakota partner, matching dedicated service members with North Dakota communities to tackle some of our state’s toughest challenges. Through the support of AmeriCorps, Strengthen ND will assist North Dakota communities to access the people-power they need to undertake community projects by providing individuals to build their community’s capacity. Community Capacity Americorps Coordinator positions will allow local organizations, city, and county governments, and other non-profit organizations to plan, develop, and coordinate programs within their regions for the betterment of their communities.
Strengthen ND will connect AmeriCorps members to public and nonprofit organizations, partnering with each entity for scopes of work and member service agreements. AmeriCorps members’ duties may include communications/community outreach, planning programming for organizations and other community partners, assisting in information gathering for grant writing, attending planning meetings related to capacity building of the organization/community, and recruiting community volunteers. Strengthen ND assists in AmeriCorps member training, recruitment, enrollment assistance, initial and ongoing support to the AmeriCorps members and partner organizations, and ongoing training and professional development for AmeriCorps members.
AmeriCorps North Dakota provides grant funding and technical assistance to Strengthen ND to recruit, train, and supervise AmeriCorps North Dakota host sites and members meeting critical community needs. With Strengthen ND’s program design, communities will be provided with the tools they need to recruit and hire AmeriCorps members from their immediate community or from a surrounding community. Host sites will develop a job description and scope of work for the AmeriCorps member, along with the ideal qualities of the candidate, while also making the hiring decision.
Individuals and organizations interested in learning more are encouraged to review the AmeriCorps program criteria on the Strengthen ND website ( and to then schedule an introductory call with Strengthen ND’s staff.
What will I do as an AmeriCorps member?
You will assist North Dakota communities to build their capacities. The Community Capacity Americorps Coordinator positions will allow local organizations, city, and county governments, and other non-profit organizations to plan, develop, and coordinate programs within their regions for the betterment of their communities. AmeriCorps members will build capacity for the identified community organization by building communications/community outreach, planning programming for organization and other community partners, assisting in information gathering for grant writing, attending planning meetings related to capacity building of the organization/community, and recruiting community volunteers. You may perform administrative duties directly related to provision of programming but are not meant to primarily answer the phone or make copies. Everyone helps in an office environment, but this should not be your primary duty. Members can support fundraising efforts that are related to the direct services they provide, but hours toward fundraising cannot exceed 10% of the total hours.
What will I NOT do as an AmeriCorps member?
There are certain things members are not allowed to do while logging service hours. These are called prohibited activities. A list of the prohibited activities can be found here – It is important that you fully review these prohibited activities. In addition to the prohibited activities at this link, the following are also prohibited: Census Activities. AmeriCorps members and volunteers associated with AmeriCorps grants may not engage in census activities during service hours. Being a census taker during service hours is categorically prohibited. Census-related activities (e.g., promotion of the Census, education about the importance of the Census) do not align with AmeriCorps State and National objectives.
What members and volunteers do on their own time is up to them, consistent with program policies about outside employment and activities.
Election and Polling Activities. AmeriCorps members may not provide services for election or polling locations or in support of such activities. AmeriCorps members may not engage in the above activities directly or indirectly by recruiting, training, or managing others for the primary purpose of engaging in one of the activities listed above. Individuals may exercise their rights as private citizens and may participate in the activities listed above on their initiative, on non-AmeriCorps time, and using non-AmeriCorps funds.
- Individuals should not wear the AmeriCorps logo while engaging in any of the above activities on their personal time.
- Individuals may exercise their right as private citizens and may participate in these activities on their own initiative, on non-AmeriCorps time, and using non-CNCS funds.
- Individuals should not wear the AmeriCorps logo while doing so.
If you have any questions about the prohibited activities, please contact Beth Odahlen at
AmeriCorps Lingo
- AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps is pronounced like the Marine Corps. It is not pronounced “AmeriCorpse.”
- Service: AmeriCorps members are not legally considered employees of the organization where they serve. We do not use the word “work” to describe what you do. We use the word service.
- Term of Service: This refers to the time period members serve. The time period is outlined in the Member Agreement. Some organizations may have terms of service that are different lengths of time. Strengthen ND’s AmeriCorps State program year or term of service is 12 months. Specifically, November 1 – October 31. Individuals can serve a total of 4 terms as an AmeriCorps State member. In some cases, your term may be shorter than 12 months, but you must finish your term by October 31. L
- Living Allowance: Members receive a monthly living allowance or stipend, not a paycheck or salary. This amount is the same every month. Members receive this at the end of the month. Strengthen ND requires that this payment is delivered by direct deposit into an account of your choice.
Member Requirements
- National Service Criminal History Check: To serve as an AmeriCorps member, you must complete and pass three criminal history checks (see below). You cannot start until all three of these have cleared. There is no cost to you for these checks.
- FBI Fingerprint-based Check: This is completed through the AmeriCorps vendor Fieldprint at a Fieldprint Livescan location, NOT at your local law enforcement agency. Your site supervisor and the Program Coordinator will provide written directions for this process. You will set-up an appointment online at a local vendor (UPS store or similar) and provide your fingerprints in person. This check is required by AmeriCorps.
- National Sex Offender Registry Check (NSOPW) & State Checks: This is completed through a vendor called Truescreen. The Program Coordinator will order this screen. You will receive an email from Truescreen with directions to do the following: enter your personal information and upload a copy of your government-issued ID (i.e. driver’s license). The state check covers the state where you will serve (North Dakota) and your current state of residence (if you currently live outside of North Dakota). You may also have to upload a signed form as well. This check is required by AmeriCorps.
- Pre-enrollment in My AmeriCorps Portal: The My AmeriCorps portal is an online system that enrolls you in the AmeriCorps system. This is how AmeriCorps verifies your citizenship and social security number, how you request loan forbearance, and where you will access your education award upon successful completion of your term. Before starting your term, you will create a My AmeriCorps account, develop an application for the position, and formally apply for the position. There are several back and forth steps to officially enroll you, so it is important that you start this process as soon as you are offered the position. Your site supervisor and Beth Odahlen will provide you with written directions.
- Hour Requirement: Strengthen ND AmeriCorps members will work with their Host Site to determine the “slot” they will fulfill. Slots consist of a 900 (half-time) hour requirement, 675 (reduced half-time) hour requirement, 450 (quarter-time) hour requirement, and a 300 (minimum-time) hour requirement. AmeriCorps members must complete a minimum of the required hours to successfully complete their term, be eligible for the education award, and to qualify to serve additional terms of service. Members typically begin their term of service on November 1 are required to serve between 5 -20 hours per week; half-time members serve 20 hours/week, whereas minimum-time members serve 5 hours/week. If you get behind one month, you need to make it up the next month. If you start after November 1, you will need to log extra hours to catch up, ensuring you meet your required hours by October 31.
- Member Benefits: Some member benefits are available to all members; some are based on eligibility. See the links below for more details.
- Loan Forbearance & Accrued Interest Payment: This means you may be eligible to postpone repayment of your qualified student loan while serving. While interest may continue to accrue during your service, if you successfully complete the term of service the National Service Trust will pay all or a portion of the qualified loan’s interest that accrued during your service. For information visit and look under Forbearance & Accrued Interest Payment.
What am I committing to?
By serving as an AmeriCorps State member with Strengthen ND, you are making a good faith commitment to serve your full term of service and to complete your required service hours. By serving as an AmeriCorps member, you will gain valuable skills and experience that will assist you with your future career goals. We ask that you be open to personal and professional growth and that you follow through with your commitment to serving North Dakota and successfully completing your AmeriCorps term of service.
I would like to host an AmeriCorps member with Strengthen ND. How do I get started?
The first step to obtaining an AmeriCorps member is to complete the Host Site Application found HERE .
Who decides the member’s service focus area and hours per week?
Individual organizations, governments, and communities are encouraged to develop a position description that best fits their needs. This also includes determining how many hours a week your organization is able to support an AmeriCorp member. Support and guidance, including templates, are available from Strengthen ND by contacting Beth Odahlen at
I am working with a Host Site to become an AmeriCorps member. What steps do I need to follow to become enrolled?
- Complete and submit the Background Check Disclosure and Authorization form and provide your host site with your Government Issued Driver’s License for scanning/copying.
- Create an account on the AmeriCorps Portal and complete an application
- Make Fieldprint appointment (Fieldprint Scheduling Aid document will be emailed to you)
- Complete Truescreen information
- Complete AmeriCorps Enrollment Form
- Accept offer for Strengthen ND AmeriCorps position
I completed all the enrollment steps. What do I do now?
- Review, sign, initial, and date all areas of the Member Agreement Form
- Attend New Member Orientation
- Provide Strengthen ND with appropriate payroll documentation
- Begin your hours of service at your Host Site
I forgot my OnCorps password or login. How can I get that information?
Your login information has been emailed to you so try to find that information. If you do not know your password, try to reset it. If that does not work, please email Beth Odahlen at with a OnCorps password update request.
How often do I need to submit a timecard?
Timecards are due by the 5th of each month, for the following month. It is suggested to complete your timecard weekly so you do not miss any hours served. You will get a reminder twice a month, to complete timecards, even though the due date is the 5th.
Job Openings
For voluteers to achieve their goals and for organizations to meet theirs!
Current Job Openings:
Director Assistant
Position will assist the Executive Director with program duties include marketing, planning, and scheduling. Member will assist in concert day activities including box office, ushering, and customer service. Member will also assist in coordinating and implementing other Minot Symphony Orchestra events. Hours are flexible and will vary per week.
Program Coordinator – Civic West in West Fargo
The Program Coordinator will develop, implement, and maintain programs and partnerships that promote and support the organization’s goals.