Watford City

Watford City

Community Planning: In the summer of 2019, Watford City and the McKenzie County Job Development Authority engaged with Strengthen ND to develop a five-year Community Sustainability Plan. Through a community survey, community roundtable sessions and a leadership-driven...
Tuttle Rural Innovation Center

Tuttle Rural Innovation Center

Fundraising Planning: Strengthen ND was invited to work with the community of Tuttle in 2016 to make their big dreams a reality. In addition to providing project management and grant writing support, Strengthen ND worked with the community to identify and develop...
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians

Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians

Grant Writing Assistance: In the spring of 2020, the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians engaged with Strengthen ND to provide grant writing services to establish a Tribal Department of Agriculture. In just five short months, Strengthen ND worked with the staff...
Souris Valley United Way

Souris Valley United Way

Succession Planning: When the Souris Valley United Way (SVUW) underwent a planned executive director transition, they engaged with Strengthen ND to support the succession planning process. This included working with the current executive director to systematize...
North Dakota Native Tourism Alliance

North Dakota Native Tourism Alliance

Board and Staff Development: Strengthen ND worked with the Board of Directors of the North Dakota Native Tourism Alliance (NDNTA) over a period of several virtual and in-person sessions. The board and staff development support provided included training on board...